At StudyShop we know that finding the right tutor is crucial. That’s why we provide a complimentary consultation, to match you up with the tutor that best compliments your student’s personality and learning style. Your first lesson is free too! Here are some of the people in the StudyShop family:
Director of StudyShop Tutoring
Charles, on what StudyShop means to him: “As the Director of StudyShop Tutoring, I love having the opportunity to meet so many wonderful families and students, and to help them navigate their way through their growth and education. I believe that a tutor’s job is not only to guide a student to better understanding, but to help them see the strength already within them.”
“Charles is an amazing tutor. Besides being warm and kind, he is a genuinely incredible tutor. He tutors my daughter in honors biology and Algebra 2. He is creative and smart and we will definitely use him again! We have used many tutors but Charles is one of the best!”
– Ronna Speigel, mother (via
“Charles has been hugely instrumental in the students’ academic careers. He is consistent in his kindness and impeccable skills as a tutor and mentor. There has been such a remarkable and significant change with our students’ grade as well as their self-confidence. A testament to Charles and the work he continues to do”
– Tammy Haylock Clem, M.S., Director of Counseling, Windward Middle School
“Charles not only helped me understand how to solve types of math problems but gave me deeper insight into the relationships between concepts.”
– Sasha Engelmann. 11th grade
Since 1998, Charles has helped many students achieve their potential as a private tutor and music instructor. When not teaching or playing his saxophone, Charles enjoys cooking and spending time with friends and family. Charles enjoys the challenges and rewards of individualized tutoring.
“Doug has been my 9 year old’s tutor for 6 months. He is wonderful. I am most impressed by his interest in finding out who the child is and how best to help the child learn and love learning. He goes the extra mile, keeping me up to date with emails, and contacting my child’s teacher for added feedback. He knows how to connect with kids, at their level, and makes learning enjoyable. She looks forward to their weekly sessions. My daughter has made great strides in her studies, thanks to Doug and StudyShop tutoring!”
– Rachel, mother and pediatrician
Doug comes from a long line of educators, and tutoring takes advantage of his natural skills, with over a decade of experience in education, working with adults and children alike. He focuses on the whole student, from organization and study skills to the development of a positive approach to learning and growing. In his spare time, Doug spends time with his family.